Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Dying For Good Design

If the toothbrush is the epitome of lazy design then the coffin is the epitome of greedy design. It is an over indulgent purchase that never provides anything for the user and then simply rots away. However, everyone buys one and companies manage to make mi££ions from them. Everyone wants a coffin made from mahogany or oak - a nice expensive vessel to ride into the afterlife. It is a status symbol like owning a Bentley or a Mercedes. It appears that our strange fixation with our image doesn't end with death.
The cardboard coffin is the alternative. A fraction of the price, friendlier to the environment and customisable, either personally before death or by the funeral goers (a nice activity to take the mind off of the grieving process). All in all an innovative, well thought out, product. But it cannot be the funeral director's that take all of the blame for being greedy, they are only making some cash off of the consumers greed.

So why do we continue to invest in these expensive coffins?

-I bet Jesus would have chosen the cardboard coffin!

Superstition or fear of the unknown?
-We all want to be prepared for the worst, so why not buy the nicest box possible to spend the rest of eternity in?

-Everyone else does it so why not me...

-I'll look so cool in this... pity I wont be around to see everyone's reactions.

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